FBI agents reportedly sought interviews with one of Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers ‘as early as’ Friday night


FBI agents were homing in on a potential witness to interview on Friday night, shortly after President Donald Trump authorized the agency to conduct a supplemental background check on Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, sources in a Los Angeles Times report published Friday.

FBI agents reportedly aimed to schedule an interview with one of the two additional women who came forward with their own accusations of sexual misconduct involving Kavanaugh. Christine Blasey Ford, a California-based professor who alleged Kavanaugh was “stumbling drunk” when he sexually assaulted her during a small party in the 1980s, was the first accuser who was publicly identified.

Following the publication of Ford’s account in a Washington Post report on September 16, Deborah Ramirez, a fellow Yale classmate, and Julie Swetnick, a woman who claimed to have witnessed Kavanaugh display “abusive and physically aggressive behavior toward girls,” came forward with their own reports about Kavanaugh.

It was unclear if the woman the FBI reportedly took interest in on Friday was either Ramirez and Swetnick – the LA Times report did not reveal the woman’s identity.- READ MORE


The woman who Christine Blasey Ford says attended the same party where Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh allegedly sexually assaulted her in the summer of 1982 spoke out Saturday morning.

Speaking through her attorney, Leland Keyser, who remains a close friend to Ford, said she is willing to “cooperate fully” with the FBI’s supplemental investigation into allegations against Kavanaugh.

But as Keyser revealed last weekend, she has no recollection of the events Ford alleges.

“As my client has already made clear, she does not know Judge Kavanaugh and has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present, with, or without, Dr. Ford,” Keyser’s attorney said.

“Notably, Ms. Keyser does not refute Dr. Ford’s account, and she has already told the press that she believes Dr. Ford’s account. However, the simple and unchangeable truth is that she is unable to corroborate it because she has no recollection of the incident in question,” the lawyer explained.- READ MORE

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