FAKE NEWS FALLOUT: Sounds Like ABC News Just Fired Brian Ross


Check Hillary’s basement for Brian Ross.

ABC News’ embattled chief investigative correspondent, Brian Ross, has not returned to work as scheduled Thursday, despite the end of his suspension for botching an “exclusive” report on Donald Trump and Russia.

Ross was placed on a four-week, unpaid suspension after he reported incorrectly on live television that fired National Security Adviser Michael Flynn would testify that Trump had ordered him to make contact with Russians about foreign policy while Trump was still a candidate. The report raised the specter of Trump’s impeachment and sent the stock market plummeting.

After ABC was forced to retract the report, ABC News President James Goldston said on a staff conference call that he’d never felt more “rage, disappointment and frustration” in his entire career, and that Ross would never cover Trump again.

Today, an ABC News spokesperson declined to comment on whether Ross will ever be returning to work at all.

“Sounds like separation negotiations,” an industry insider told Fox News.

Just after Ross was suspended, President Trump told a crowd in Florida that Ross should have been fired.

“They took this fraudster from ABC,” Trump said. “They suspended him for a month. They should have fired him for what he wrote. He drove the stock market down 350 points in minutes, which by the way, tells you they really like me, right? When you think of it, and you know what he cost people? And I said to everybody get yourself a lawyer and sue ABC News, sue them.”


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[contentcards url=”http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/01/04/abc-news-mistake-prone-brian-ross-doesn-t-return-from-suspension-as-planned-after-botching-report-on-trump-russia.html” target=”_blank”]

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