FAKE NEWS: CNN Calls Palestinian Terrorists With Guns and Grenades ‘Largely Unarmed’


CNN appears to be on a mission to help Hamas destroy Israel. CNN has spent the past month actively assisting Hamas terrorists with media propaganda dissemination as the terrorists continue their attempt to overtake Israel.

CNN headlines always point the finger at Israel as a culprit, and always shower Palestinian terrorists with white lies to bolster them.

CNN stories are propagandizing art. A story about months of continuous attacks on Israeli border and infrastructure by terrorists and their recruits becomes a story of a nurse killed due to Israeli overreaction to what CNN described as “largely unarmed” “protests,” a regurgitation of Hamas terrorist allegations.

I snapped at CNN immediately after they spread FAKE NEWS last month by misreporting violence as “protest.” Last night, CNN doubled down on this deceitful “protest” terminology when reporting on the alleged nurse. This has never been a “protest.” This has always been violence against the country of Israel.

CNN praises the terrorists as being “largely unarmed.” LARGELY UNARMED? CNN noticed that some were unarmed, while others were heavily armed, but CNN prefers the “unarmed protestor” narrative and is comfortable with concealing terrorism, so the fallacious “largely unarmed” terminology was forced down our throats.

Let’s be clear: the Palestinians are heavily armed with grenades, guns, and firebombs, and are trying to cause death and destruction.- READ MORE

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