Eurosatory 2018: Huge wheeled military ATV swims and surprises


Gigantic self-inflating tires turn this bulletproof combat all-terrain vehicle into a tiny tank that floats and swims.

Sure, it may look like a whole lot of fun and a must-have adult version of Big Wheels, but this eye-catching ATV, dubbed the SHERP, also delivers amazing off-road performance on the toughest of terrains like slick ice and steep rocky inclines

In a way, the gigantic tires act like swimmies for a combat ATV, allowing it to dominate on water too.

STREIT has brought the SHERP to demonstrate at this year’s Eurosatory event in Paris – one of the largest everything-needed-to-wage-war shows in the world.  The unusual looking vehicle quickly began drawing a crowd as it flaunted its humungous tires and the surprising things it can do during demonstrations at the event.

And when legendary armorer STREIT gets involved, then a SHERP could become not just a bunch of fun … but a fierce machine fortified against blasts, bullets and more.

Demand for all-terrain vehicles that can provide access to remote and difficult-to-reach places continues to be high for the U.S. military and allies. So what could the SHERP bring to the fight? READ MORE

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