Don Lemon Blames Trump for the CNN Fake News Crisis, Death Threats


In a bizarre Tuesday night rant, CNN’s Don Lemon blamed President Trump for his own network’s fake news crisis, a crisis that allegedly provoked a 19-year-old Michigan man into making death threats against the far-left network.

If that is not odd enough, Lemon’s rant itself was filled with provocative fake news.

Referring to the death threats, the left-wing anchor said, “This what happens when the president of the United States, Donald Trump, repeatedly attacks members of the press simply for reporting facts he does not like,” Lemon howled, adding, “So, Mr. President, I’m going to speak directly to you: The caller who threatened to kill CNN employees made his threat using these words: ‘Fake news.’ … I wonder where he got those words?”

Well, to answer Lemon’s question, it was CNN’s own Brian Stelter who helped coin the phrase “fake news.” In the aftermath of Trump’s historic election win, the concept of a “fake news crisis” was bandied about for weeks on Lemon’s network. Most ironically, CNN used this idea of “fake news” as a means to explain away all the fake news CNN spread for months about Trump have no chance of winning.

Overall, though, Lemon is dishonestly attempting to hoax his small audience into believing that the words “fake news” set off this Michigan man, or that it was Trump’s legitimate criticism of “fake news” that triggered the threats. This is simply not true, and for Lemon to say different is yet another example of CNN spreading fake news. – READ MORE

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Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) dropped a bombshell on Fox News on Tuesday when he said that Congress may have access to an informant who claims that the “secret society” mentioned in anti-Trump FBI agent Peter Strzok’s text messages did exist.

Instead of covering this new FBI bombshell, CNN trotted out Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, to ask him how Christians — whose entire religion is based on love and forgiveness — could forgive and support President Donald Trump over lewd remarks he made 13 years ago and for his past alleged behavior. – READ MORE

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President Donald Trump has come up with a new nickname for Jim Acosta — a CNN reporter with whom he has been known to spar.

In an early-morning tweet posted Tuesday, Trump referred to CNN’s chief White House correspondent as “crazy Jim Acosta.”

According to Acosta’s Trump-friendly sources, the compromise that ended the three-day-long federal government shutdown was seen as a “win” for Trump, but a failure for Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and his fellow Democrats.

The following morning, Trump quoted Acosta’s words, indicating that “even Crazy Jim Acosta of Fake News CNN agrees” the Democrats “caved” in regard to the shutdown. – READ MORE

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CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta is chuffed that he didn’t get to ask any questions at Monday’s White House press briefing.

Acosta was so upset about not getting any airtime that he sarcastically tweeted how “bizarre” it is that the White House didn’t call on him.

It’s really shocking that White House press secretary Sarah Sanders wouldn’t call on Acosta when he makes such brilliant points, such as not understanding that it takes 60 votes to pass a continuing resolution in the Senate or questioning if the White House doctor is withholding information about President Trump’s health. – READ MORE

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