Disgraceful: Obama Center Gets Lot for $1, Sticks Taxpayers With Bill for Almost $200M


The Obama Center was originally pitched to be solely funded with private money. Obama was rightfully applauded for that decision.

About that… According to The Wall Street Journal, the Obama Center is anything but privately funded.

In fact, it’ll siphon a tidy $174 million at minimum from Illinois taxpayers for roadway and transit reconfigurations.

Lest you think this problem is localized to Illinois, it’s not. It’s typical for the federal government to reimburse up to 80 percent on that type of spending. In fact, Illinois officials confirmed to the WSJ that a cool $139 million from Washington is a simple request away.

The Obama Center paid the city of Chicago a massive one-time payment of $1 for “rent.” And no, that’s not a typo.- READ MORE



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