Disgraced Anchor Dan Rather Loses It Over Sinclair Promising to Be Factual


Let’s be clear, news anchors looking into [the] camera and reading a script handed down by a corporate overlord, a script meant to obscure the truth not elucidate it, isn’t journalism. It’s propaganda. It’s Orwellian. And it is on a slippery slope towards some of history’s most destructive forces. These are the means by which despots wrest power, silence dissent, and oppress the masses.

No, that wasn’t a quote from a George Orwell or a Ray Bradbury novel warning about the abusive power of a state-controlled media and the flow of information. That was disgraced CBS anchor Dan Rather freaking out on Facebook Monday about a Sinclair Broadcast Group promotion promising viewers they would be factual in their reporting.

After a CNN report by Brian Stelter early last month, where he was clutching his pearls about Sinclair’s promise, it was back in the news Monday after Deadspin put out a supercut video featuring many of Sinclair’s anchors speaking all at once to make it feel creepy. That was the catalyst for the new wave of pointless hyperventilating from the liberal media, including Rather.

The video “puts the dangers of our time into visceral relief,” Rather declared in the Facebook post after singing the praises of the video’s editor.

To those who say this rhetoric is hyperbolic, I submit that attacking the press as honest brokers of information has been one of the constants of this Administration and all those who normalize it,” Rather vigorously opined. “But this is not normal. This is not how the freedoms enshrined in our Constitution, that beloved First Amendment, is supposed to operate.” – READ MORE

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