Dershowitz: Avenatti may have ‘ethical obligation’ to withdraw Swetnick affidavit


Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz suggested Wednesday that lawyer Michael Avenatti might have a moral duty to withdraw Julie Swetnick’s sworn affidavit that alleges Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh tried to drug girls while he was in high school.

“@MichaelAvenatti may now have an ethical obligation to withdraw Swetnick’s affidavit, since she contradicted material portions of it in a tv interview,” Dershowitz, who is also an opinion contributor for The Hill, said in a tweet.

Avenatti, who’s also representing adult-film actress Stormy Daniels in her lawsuits against President Trump and his former lawyer Michael Cohen, submitted Swetnick’s allegation to the Senate Judiciary Committee last Wednesday.

In her affidavit, Swetnick said that she “witnessed efforts by … Kavanaugh … to cause girls to become inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang raped’ in a side room.”

During an interview Monday with NBC News, Swetnick seemed to couch aspects of her accusation.- READ MORE


According to insiders, Democrats are growing “increasingly anxious” about the role Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti is playing in the promotion of allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Business Insider reports that multiple Democratic congressional aides have told them that lawmakers fear that Avenatti, who has announced that he’s interested in a presidential run in 2020, is becoming a “distraction” in the campaign to thwart Kavanaugh’s nomination, while some Democratic senators have publicly indicated that they’re uneasy with his role in the allegations.

“Multiple Democratic congressional aides told Business Insider they worried that while they wanted to fully investigate Swetnick’s claims, they viewed the connection to Avenatti as an unnecessary distraction that only gave more ammunition to Republicans looking to discredit his client,” Business Insider reports.

“Personally, I think he’s kind of a distraction,” Kaine told the outlet, stressing that he doesn’t know him personally. Tester admitted that Avenatti “wouldn’t have been my first pick,” and said he hoped that the celebrity lawyer wasn’t doing it for the “showbiz part.”- READ MORE

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