Democrats Outraged the Trump Administration Won’t Give Them In-Person Intel Briefings Anymore


There’s no law that says the executive branch has to brief Congress on all intelligence matters. The practice is a courtesy offered by the president to congressmen of both parties.

The briefings are supposed to be classified. But if that’s true, why do they always seem to end up on the front pages of the Washington Post and New York Times the very next day?

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe informed the House and Senate that the administration would no longer give in-person intelligence briefings on election security to members of Congress. Instead, they will give written briefings because Congress leaks like a sieve.

Politico: The move has enraged congressional Democrats, who have long charged the Trump administration with downplaying threats to U.S. elections from foreign actors, especially Russia. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said in a statement that ODNI canceled separate briefings that had been scheduled for September before the intelligence committees and all members of Congress.

“This is a shocking abdication of its lawful responsibility to keep the Congress currently informed, and a betrayal of the public’s right to know how foreign powers are trying to subvert our democracy,” Schiff and Pelosi said.

I guess because liberal Democrats have to read the briefings instead of sitting there and listening, it’s a “shocking abdication of its lawful responsibility” to give Democrats copy for their friends in the media. – READ MORE

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