Dem Governor Facing Tough Re-Election Accused of Padding Local Donation Numbers to Appear Grassroots


In New York, Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo has a fight on his hands to retain his office. Facing a primary challenge from actress Cynthia Nixon, the incumbent is pulling out all the stops — including an apparent attempt to play fast and loose with reported donations.

With candidates in New York focusing on grassroots efforts, Cuomo wants to show that he has local support by any means at his disposal. However, in trying to do so, it appears his campaign staff may have gone a bit too far.

In what appears to be an incident that is not isolated, The New York Times’ chief Metro political correspondent, Shane Goldmacher, reported that an individual who shares an address with a Cuomo campaign staffer gave multiple single-digit donations. – READ MORE


Never let a “crisis” go to waste, huh? It was less than one month ago when New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced that he intended to file a multi-agency suit against the Trump administration for “violating the Constitutional rights of immigrant children and their families who have been separated at the border.”

We have no idea if that ever panned out, but now that we’ve moved on to Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement and Chicken Little squawking about SCOTUS reversing Roe v. Wade (and maybe banning contraception too), it looks like Cuomo’s readying another lawsuit against … the Supreme Court? We’re honestly not sure.- READ MORE

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