Dem Congressional Candidate Tells GOP Opponent To ‘F*** Off’ During Debate. In A Synagogue.


A Democratic congressional candidate in Pennsylvania, debating in a synagogue with his GOP opponent before an audience, used language you don’t often hear in a religious setting, telling his opponent to “f*** off.”

Scott Wallace, running against GOP Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, shocked the audience at Congregation Tifereth Israel in Bensalem, Pennsylvania, as the two candidates stood on the platform normally used for reading the Torah.

Fitzpatrick told WBCB, “Ironically, there was a later question about the need for civility in politics. Well, a good start is to not use vulgarities in the sanctuary of a synagogue in the middle of a congressional debate.”

WBCB reported, “In addition to Fitzpatrick, people in the synagogue and the moderator took exception with Wallace’s obscenity.” – READ MORE


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