Dem candidate for Maryland Governor Ben Jealous is too extreme for MSNBC (VIDEO)


Democrats in Maryland just nominated a political novice who endorsed Bernie Sanders and championed the Black Lives Matter movement to run against Larry Hogan, the most popular governor in America. Ben Jealous, the former President of the NAACP, defeated the Democrat establishment candidate Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker on a Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders-endorsed platform.

Jealous did the traditional Democrat victory lap Wednesday with what should have been a comfy appearance on MSNBC.  But, it didn’t go so well for Jealous or, by extension, for the Democratic Party in Maryland.

It would have been so easy, but Jealous is too beholden to the extreme ideology of the far-left of his party that he can’t even give lip service to moderates in the state of Maryland. He couldn’t even pretend to appeal to the middle. – READ MORE

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