David Hogg Upset That Colleges Keep Rejecting Him Even Though He’s ‘Changing The World’ (VIDEO)


David Hogg, one of the most famous gun control advocates in the country, is having a tough time getting into the colleges and universities he wants. Hogg is fresh off the success of the March For Our Lives rally in Washington DC.

The March For Our Lives gathered hundreds of thousands of gun control advocates for a dramatic rally featuring celebrities and student activists, including David Hogg.

Hogg, a Parkland High School student, became the poster boy for the gun control movement after his school was attacked by a deranged gunman who killed 17.

Hogg tells TMZ that he received rejection letters two weeks ago from four University of California campuses that he applied to — UCLA, UCSD, UCSB and UC Irvine. Hogg says he has a 4.2 GPA and an SAT score of 1270.


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