Dana Loesch To Jim Acosta: Remember Your Network’s ‘Public Lynching’ Of Me And Marco Rubio? (VIDEO)


In a video released Thursday, NRA TV host Dana Loesch responded to CNN reporter Jim Acosta sounding the alarm over Trump fans chanting “CNN sucks!” at a rally by reminding him of his network’s infamous town hall after the Parkland shooting that featured members of the audience condemning Loesch as a “murderer!” for her support of the Second Amendment and the NRA.

“Acosta is upset that someone yelled ‘CNN sucks,'” says Loesch. “Imagine how he’d feel if his network set up a public lynching of him. As they did of me and [Sen.] Marco Rubio, wherein people called me a ‘murderer‘ and they screamed ‘Burn her!’ And they rushed the stage and grabbed at me when I left. Jake Tapper corroborated this shortly after it happened, tweeting this in response to those who were in doubt: He says, ‘I don’t know but Chris’s’ — talking of my husband — ‘description is accurate and I made sure she was escorted out of the room.'”

“I wonder if Acosta can imagine what it feels like when his network allows guest after guest, day after day, to refer to you as a ‘murderer,'” Loesch continues. “To refer to six million law-abiding Americans as people who hate children and are terrible parents simply because we believe in the right of self-defense.”- READ MORE



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