CNN Goes into Full Meltdown Mode Over Nationalist Trump: ‘Hitler Was a Nationalist!’


After President Trump Doubled Down On Calling Himself A “nationalist” Tuesday, Cnn Went Into Full Attack Mode, With Cringe-worthy George Orwell Quotes Read On Air, Bad History Lessons, And Comparisons To Hitler.

CNN White House reporter Jim Acosta kicked off the news cycle by “asking” Trump about his recently calling himself a nationalist.

“You know what I am? I’m a nationalist. Okay? A nationalist. Use that word,” Trump told the crowd at a rally in Texas Monday.

Of course, later on CNN Tuesday night, Acosta again went after Trump, saying, “I don’t think it’s a stretch for a lot of Americans out there to wonder whether or not the president is secretly considering himself a white nationalist.”

Another CNN personality, Kaitlan Collins, went after Trump for the label, saying, “I believe in the United States! I’m not a nationalist. Hitler was a nationalist!”

“Oh, please. Come on. That term has not become like Hitler,” CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin said back.READ MORE


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