Christmas Package Thief Thwarted by Hilarious — And Terrifying — Booby-Trapped Package (VIDEO)


Christmas is — as it should be — a season of giving. But for some, it’s a season of taking.

It’s great to skip the holiday lines by having your gifts dropped off at your front door, but it’s also an open invitation to thieves anxious to get their hands on whatever the courier delivers. But one Washington state resident came up with a solution.

Jaireme Barrow is hoping to scare Christmas crooks away with what he called “The Blank Box,” KRON reported, and Second Amendment supporters are sure to like it.

Barrow leaves the booby-trapped box on his front stoop. The box is rigged with fishing wire and a 12-gauge shotgun blank that goes off whenever a would-be robber tries to run off with the Christmas package. – READ MORE

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