Chicago’s Emanuel reaps benefits of opposing Trump — as city problems fester


Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel had a good year at the expense of city residents – and for that he might want to thank President Donald Trump.

Despite presiding over a city with rampant money and crime problems, Democrat Emanuel has bolstered his approval ratings and become the rising star of the left by placing himself front and center in the anti-Trump “resistance movement.”

The hardline stance against Trump appears to be paying off. According to polls taken during the first half of last year, only a quarter of Chicago residents approved of Emanuel’s job performance.

Fast forward to today: His approval rating is hovering above 50 percent – a crucial improvement as the nears next year’s Democratic primary for the Chicago mayoral race in 2019.

But local residents, activists and critics of the mayor note that despite Emanuel’s newfound image as a liberal hero, he continues his lousy leadership and exacerbates the city’s problems.

Chicago’s crime problem remains rampant under Emanuel as well. The city was among the key drivers of violence across the country in 2016. While violent crime increased across the board, Chicago saw a 60 percent jump in killings compared to 2015. – READ MORE

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