Border Patrol Union Chief: Deep State Still Exists at Agency, Working Against Trump’s Border Policies


A U.S. Border Patrol union official said Thursday on “Fox & Friends” he believes a so-called “deep state” still exists within the federal agency, frustrating President Trump’s border enforcement policies.

Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, recalled that when his group endorsed President Trump in March 2016, he received immediate pushback from top officials at U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

He said he was asked by then-Deputy Commissioner Kevin McAleenan to rescind the endorsement on behalf of Border Patrol agents, which he refused to do.

Since then, McAleenan has been appointed as the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, despite not being on the same page as the president, Judd claimed.

He faulted senior DHS officials for failing to implement policies that could have averted the migrant family separations that occurred earlier this year at the border. – READ MORE


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