BLM Demands African American Horse Owner To Boycott The Kentucky Derby


Amid protests and dismantling American cities, Black Lives Matter has also turned its teeth on the famous Kentucky Derby. Since the killing of Breonna Taylor, activists have called for a thorough investigation with little results to show for it. Now they are pressuring African American horse owner, Greg Harbut, to boycott the derby until their demands are met. His response, “No way!”

Owner of the horse Necker Island, Harbut told reporters he had no intention of pulling out of the Kentucky Derby or any future race because of the simple fact that he is – African American. He believes his presence is an exact representation of the impact African Americans have had on the Kentucky Derby.

Harbut told reporters, “The history of the Kentucky Derby started with African-Americans. The first horse, Aristides, was trained by an African-American named Ansel Williamson and ridden by an African-American jockey named Oliver Lewis. [W]e are the only black representation in the Kentucky Derby this year. There hasn’t been any representation for us for the past 13 years.” – READ MORE

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