Ayatollah Khamenei Joins Democrats in Calling for Gun Control in US


Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, released a statement on Wednesday calling for the United Nations to “seriously” pursue seven areas of alleged human rights violations by the United States, including its lack of more stringent gun control laws.

Top figures in the Democratic Party — including Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Nancy Pelosi — have been pushing for the passage of new gun control measures, particularly since February’s Parkland school shooting.

“Another case which the U.N. should definitely pursue is the freedom of selling guns in the U.S. with which so many crimes are being committed,” Khamenei’s statement read.

“You hear and witness that every day in schools, in universities, in markets, and on the street that a teenager, a man, or a woman fires a volley of bullets at some people because of some problem they have — they are extremely angry, or they are mad and have some personal problems,” the Islamic leader continued.

“They kill eight, ten, twenty — more or less — people, and families mourn the loss of their dear ones.”

Khamenei contended that the violence could be stopped with government action, but gun manufacturers are thwarting changes in the law.

“Why do they not stop this? The reason is that gun companies prevent this, and the U.S. administrations are under the influence of these companies,” Khamenei said. “This is a very important issue which should be addressed and pursued by the U.N.” – READ MORE

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