Avenatti hits back at Trump, calls him ‘habitual liar and complete narcissist’


Lawyer Michael Avenatti on Wednesday hit back at President Trump after the president accused him of making “false accusations” against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

“‘False accusations?'” Avenatti tweeted in response to Trump’s remarks earlier in the day. “Like those crimes your fixer [Michael] Cohen pled to? You are an habitual liar and complete narcissist who also is a disgrace as a president and an embarrassment to our nation.”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Avenatti’s client, Julie Swetnick, went public on Wednesday with explosive accusations against Kavanaugh, claiming he was present when she was drugged and raped by a group of men at a high school party in the early 1980s.- READ MORE


Speaking on a phone interview with the hosts of “The View” on Wednesday, attorney Michael Avenatti, who had earlier released a statement from his client, Julie Swetnick, with new allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, dodged the question when he was asked if Kavanaugh had done anything to his client.

Host Sunny Hostin asked, “Did he do anything to this particular woman?”

Avenatti responded, “I’m sorry; I didn’t get the question.”- READ MORE

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