Dem Jared Polis Shoved Female Employee, Blocked Her From Calling Police, Police Report Says


Jared Polis, Colorado’s Democratic gubernatorial nominee, shoved a female employee at his office which resulted in minor injury, physically prevented her from leaving, and then blocked her from calling the police, according to a newly discovered police report.

In the police report obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, Polis admitted to police that he pushed Patricia Hughes in June of 1999 “at an office Polis had in Boulder for a company called JPS International LLC.”

Polis, whose legal name at the time was Jared Polis Schutz, told police that Hughes “had given her resignation a few days earlier, but called him on the day in question saying she had information to ‘go after’ him if her exit from the company did not go smoothly.”

Polis immediately drove to the office and asked to go through her personal belongings to see if she was taking any company property. She refused, so he called the police.

Hughes’ account of what happened: “Hughes then tried to leave and Schutz did not let her leave. Hughes said that he grabbed her and pushed her back into the office. Hughes said that when Schutz pushed her she was pushed back into a file cabinet, hurting her leg. Hughes said that she then said that she was going to call 911 and went to the phone. Hughes said that she tried calling 911 three times and twice Schutz hung the phone up. The third time Hughes got through.” – READ MORE


White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders pointed to hypocrisy in the Democratic Party’s concern over alleged sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, in a Tuesday morning interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

Sanders was pressed on whether President Donald Trump had already made up his mind on whether Kavanaugh’s accusers were lying and whether it demonstrates a pattern in his behavior.

“When Roy Moore is accused, when Bill O’Reilly is accused, when Roger Ailes is accused, when Rob Porter is accused, and now when Brett Kavanaugh is accused, the president consistently every single time takes the side of the man,” “GMA” host George Stephanopoulos told Sanders.

“You know, it’s interesting that you say that,” she replied. “It’s a lot of Democrats that like to ignore Keith Ellison and Cory Booker. They love to fight and champion women until they disagree with them.”- READ MORE

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