Avenatti Gets Trolling Shout-Out At Pro-Kavanaugh Happy Hour At Trump Hotel


Administration officials and some of the outside groups who supported Kavanaugh’s nomination gathered for a happy hour hosted at Trump Hotel on Saturday night following the confirmation of Kavanaugh after the Democrats’ brutal campaign against him, Axios reports.

During the event, according to Axios’ sources, a “senior person at one of the outside groups” joked with administration officials that Avenatti must’ve been on the GOP payroll.

“You guys put Avenatti up to it, right?” he said, a source told Axios.

The source added that it was impossible to “overstate how important Michael Avenatti’s role in this [confirmation] was” in helping to convince wavering senators that the Democrats were conducting a shameless smear campaign against the eminently qualified nominee, citing Maine Republican Susan Collins’ reference to Swetnick’s salacious “gang rape” claims as evidence.- READ MORE



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