As President Slams ‘Trump Baby’ as Making Him Feel Unwelcome, Some in UK Are Calling Blimp ‘Embarrassing’


President Trump responded to the blimp during his interview with The Sun and went on to compare it with the general opinion of him.

“I guess when they put out blimps to make me feel unwelcome, no reason for me to go to London,“ Trump said. ”I used to love London as a city. I haven’t been there in a long time. But when they make you feel unwelcome, why would I stay there? And when I say that I am talking about government because the people of the UK agree with me.”

Some who live in London are also expressing their dislike for the balloon:

They say that the balloon is distasteful and there are better ways to protest – READ MORE


“Protesters gather in London for mass anti-Trump rallies,” screamed the CNN headline.

One march started at 11 a.m. London time with another at 2 p.m. But if pictures from the first march are any indication, estimates of 200,000 angry protesters clogging the city streets might be heavily exaggerated.

Another picture from the BBC showed even fewer people gathered. – READ MORE


These videos are, without a doubt, the funniest moments from today’s anti-Trump protest in London. Enjoy:

We’re embarrassed for you, England. – READ MORE

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