Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tries To Blame Sexism For People Calling Out Her Claims


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the self-described “Democratic socialist” running for congress in New York, has apparently decided that crying sexism is the way to win debates and endear oneself to the Left. Considering how Democrats often play the victim card, she may be on to something.

On Saturday morning, Vox’s Matt Yglesias commented on Twitter that coverage of Ocasio-Cortez on budget matters — meaning, the fact that she doesn’t have a response to how she would pay for any of the welfare programs she wants — is “scoldy” and “condescending.” He also claimed coverage of House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) was “credulous-verging-on-worshipful.”

Let’s set aside the absurdity that anyone in the left-leaning media worshipped Ryan. Anyway, Ocasio-Cortez added to Yglesias’ tweet by playing the woman card.

“1st time female candidate makes small slip on a budgetary figure during extemporaneous interview: ‘This girl is SO uninformed! She needs to stay quiet until she knows everything!’” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “Incumbent male Congressman brings a snowball to Congress to ‘disprove’ climate change: [white male shrug emoji]” – READ MORE


While campaigning in Hawaii for Democratic congressional candidate Kaniela Ing, Ocasio-Cortez expressed a kinship with him because both of them had been “shaped by the exact same forces” such as “runaway income inequality” and “poverty.”

But there is no comparison. While the teenage Ocasio-Cortez was attending Yorktown High School, a prestigious school offering academic electives and lacrosse, Ing was forced by the death of his father to work in the pineapple fields of Hawaii while a teenager.

Nevertheless, Ocasio-Cortez believes they share a similar economic background and in addition — in that cliched slogan of the left — both suffered through “an unaddressed history of imperialism.”

She also said Hawaii felt like a “kindred home” because she also comes “from a place of colonized people.”

Never mind the fact that Ocasio-Cortez attended Boston University on a scholarship, interned for U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy and then worked at a digital marketing company. – READ MORE

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