Trump threatens to ‘get involved’ in fight to obtain McCabe text messages


President Trump on Saturday threatened to “get involved” in the fight by a conservative watchdog to obtain text messages by fired deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe related to his wife’s 2015 state senate campaign.

“Why isn’t the FBI giving Andrew McCabe text messages to Judicial Watch or appropriate governmental authorities,” he tweeted.

“FBI said they won’t give up even one (I may have to get involved, DO NOT DESTROY). What are they hiding? McCabe wife took big campaign dollars from Hillary people…..”

Judicial Watch has been fighting to gain access to McCabe’s messages related to his wife Jill’s 2015 Virginia state senate campaign. The Wall Street Journal first reported in October 2016 that Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s political action committee , gave nearly $467,500 to her campaign. The Virginia Democratic Party spent an addition $207,788 on the campaign.- READ MORE



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