Al “The Molester” Franken preaches to senators to ‘stand up for truth,’ honesty and climate change in final floor speech


Outgoing Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) took a parting shot at President Trump and the rhetoric of the GOP on Wednesday as he delivered his final speech from the Senate floor.

Franken ran through a litany of policies — including the newly passed tax bill, ObamaCare and climate change — where he said the Trump administration’s positions are at odds with what’s best for most Americans.

“The values being advanced by the president and his allies in Congress simply don’t represent my belief that our economy, our democracy and our country works best when they work for everyone,” Franken said.

The GOP agenda, he said, is about “consolidating political [and] economic power in the hands of corporations and the very wealthy.”

He questioned whether senators were “losing the war on truth.”

“Who will stand up and fight for more honest debate? … I hope that my colleagues on the other side of the aisle will stand up for truth,” he said.


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