AG Barr On Police Shooting In Kenosha: Jacob Blake Was ‘Committing A Felony And He Was Armed’


During an interview on Wednesday, Attorney General William Barr weighed in on the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, explaining how the situation was different than what happened to George Floyd.

When asked by CNN host Wolf Blitzer how he thought African American parents around the U.S. explain to their kids what happened to Jacob Blake and George Floyd, Barr responded, “Well, I’m not going to talk about Blake, the Blake case.”

“Why not?” Blitzer asked.

“Because I think it’s different than the Floyd case,” Barr responded.

“What’s different?” Blitzer pressed.

“Well, Floyd was already subdued, incapacitated, in handcuffs, and was not armed,” Barr responded. “In the Jacob case, he was in the midst of committing a felony and he was armed. So, that’s a big difference.”

When Blitzer said that Blake’s family said that Blake was not armed, Barr responded, “Well, I’ve stated what I believe to be the difference and that’s why I don’t want to talk about them as if they’re interchangeable, okay?” – READ MORE

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