WATCH: Joy Behar Claims ‘White Power’ Is The Driving Force Behind Kavanaugh’s Confirmation


Joy Behar on Friday accused Senate Republicans of wanting to push through the vote for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh without an FBI investigation as a way to retain “white power.”

“The View” co-host was reacting to Thursday’s hearing, during which the Senate Judiciary Committee heard testimony from Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, a California professor who alleges that he sexually assaulted her during high school decades ago.

Said Behar: “The people on the Republican side, it looks like to me, do not want to investigate this any further. They just want to hold on to their power. They know that this country is getting darker. White Europeans are now 61 percent of the population. … In 2045 it will be 49 percent.”

Behar was referencing statistics from a 2014 study from the Brookings Institution, a research group.

“So it’s almost like they’re worried that, ‘Oh white people are going to lose all their power.’ So they don’t care if she’s lying or he’s lying. They just want to hold on to their power.” – READ MORE


ABC News’ “The View” co-host Joy Behar declared that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is “probably guilty” of decades-old sexual assault allegations and slammed “old,” “white men” in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.

“These white men, old by the way, are not protecting women,” Behar said of congressional Republicans who stand by Kavanaugh. “They’re protecting a man who is probably guilty.”

California professor Christine Blasey Ford claimed Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her more than 35 years ago, but it’s been unclear if she’s willing to testify on Capitol Hill because she’s asked the FBI to investigate first – which would delay the hearing.READ MORE

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