NFL Teams to Include Male Cheerleaders for Upcoming Season — Some People Aren’t Having It


For the first time in history, at least two NFL teams will reportedly have male cheerleaders.

The three men — Quinton Peron, Napoleon Jinnies, and Jesse Hernandez — will first perform during the opening of the preseason on Thursday, according to Fortune.

Judging by the reaction on social media, the new cheerleaders might push some people toward furthered distaste for the league:



If you want to see change on an issue, do something about it.

That’s the philosophy of NFL Hall of Fame running back, Jim Brown. During an interview at the premiere of “Hard Knocks,” Brown was very straightforward when asked about the kneeling controversy.

“I’ll never kneel and I will always respect the flag,” said Brown.

“I am not going to denigrate my flag and I’m going to stand for the national anthem,” Brown said. “I’m fighting with all of my strength to make it a better country, but I don’t think that’s the issue. Because what is the top side? Are you not going to stand up? This is our country, man.” – READ MORE

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