A woman in Charleston, South Carolina allegedly ripped a Confederate flag off a man’s truck and backed into him with her car.
The woman stopped her car, got out, and ripped off his Confederate flag “tag.”
As the man was trying to get her license plate number, she hit him with her car.
The woman, Ann Lee Waters, is being charged with “vandalism and leaving the scene of an accident with injuries,” ABC 4 News reports.
The man also reportedly suffered a knee injury.
This occurred in Charleston, which has seen tension over the Confederate flag since Dylann Roof killed nine black churchgoers. The Confederate flag was later banned on state grounds.
This incident may be a continuation of the “No Flaggin’ Challenge,” which encourages people to rip down and destroy other people’s Confederate flags.
The campaign went viral in the summer of 2015.
[contentcards url=”http://dailycaller.com/2017/06/25/woman-rips-confederate-flag-off-mans-truck-hits-him-with-car/” target=”_blank”]Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact [email protected]