With Uranium Scandal Now Dogging Hillary, It’s Time for Another Concocted Clinton Medical Ailment


This is the time of year when Hillary Clinton pretends she is sick. Or that she can’t remember events which could land her in prison because she is, again, so very frail and ill.

As the Uranium One scandal heats up — which places Clinton on the legal hot seat once again — don’t be surprised if Hillary goes underground yet again, allegedly suffering from another undocumented mystery ailment.

Hillary appeared just days ago at Yale using arm braces for an alleged broken toe suffered in Europe. Another injury timed to another scandal, of course, absent any documentation. To be fair, sometimes a toe can get jammed when you stick your foot in your mouth as many times as Hillary does.

When Clinton was scheduled to first testify at a Congressional hearing on the Benghazi disaster, the then-secretary of state supposedly passed out in a bathroom and hit her head. She couldn’t remember a damn thing, according to her aides.

Clinton was excused from testifying.

She appeared weeks later wearing eyeglasses prescribed for vertigo patients but denied having vertigo.

Meanwhile, Hillary never produced a doctor to confirm her head injury. Even school kids require a note from a doctor. But Hillary is exempt from that too.

In Sept. 2016, as Donald Trump was grilling Hillary on her email scandal during the election, Clinton passed out in New York City during a 9/11 ceremony. She was stuffed into her black EMT van and whisked from the event by Secret Service and handlers, including a medical nurse or doctor who campaigned alongside her.

An hour later, after Hillary stopped at Chelsea Clinton’s Manhattan penthouse to see her grand kids and recuperate, it was announced Hillary was suffering from exhaustion and pneumonia. Thanks for the pneumonia germs, grandma.

Tough email scandal questions averted. Hillary skirted again.

And when FBI agents moved in 2016 to subpoena Clinton’s medical records to confirm her head injury, ex-FBI Director James Comey blocked the subpoena. Agents were bewildered.

Clinton also used the “I can’t recall” alibi many times during the election as well as during interrogation from the FBI as part of the criminal investigation into her misuse of government emails.

Did you threaten to assassinate Julian Assange with a military drone strike?

“I don’t recall.”

Did you forward classified and top secret emails to you personal email on your illegal and rogue computer server?

“I don’t recall.”

Yet mere days after Hillary was exonerated by Comey, she had little problem during the political debates against Trump recalling details about a cornucopia of different topics.

Her memory was, incredibly, back with a vengeance. And just in time for a White House run.

A true miracle.

Someone thank that husky mystery doctor dude who is probably napping in Hillary’s medical van … down by the river.


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