Referring to someone by the “wrong” gender pronoun is a violation of federal anti-discrimination law, according to West Virginia University’s Title IX office.
Title IX, which was signed into law by Richard Nixon in 1972, prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. Among other things, Title IX forced college athletics programs to treat men’s and women’s programs the same, leading to a vast expansion in female NCAA athletics.
Today, Title IX is used to coerce individuals into affirming transgender persons’ self-defined gender identity. Although Title IX only prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, some on the left have argued that the term “sex” should be understood to include “gender identity” and “gender expression.”
WVU’s Title IX office informs students that federal law — as interpreted by WVU — guarantees students “the right to be called by the name and pronouns consistent with your gender identity. – READ MORE