WATCH: Man Who Attacked Teen Wearing MAGA Hat Walks Out of Jail and Explains What Was Going Through His Mind


The Fourth of July, a day generally marked with patriotism and unity, was marked with conversations around a viral video of an altercation at a San Antonio Whataburger.

A man was caught on camera snatching a “Make America Great Again” hat off a teenager’s head, cursing at and throwing a drink at him, and then walking away … with the hat.

An affidavit from police states that the man allegedly approached the 16-year-old and asked why he was wearing it. The teen reportedly replied that he was supporting President Trump, and the man’s aggressive response followed.

ABC KSAT 12 caught up with Jimenez as he was released from jail on a $5,000 bond Friday. He wasn’t too keen on the cameras and at first avoided responding. However, after the cameras were off, he was more candid. KSAT 12 reports:

Once the camera was turned off, he spoke briefly, saying what happened was a lapse in judgment that was out of character for him.

Jimenez said seeing the hat had the same effect on him that a Ku Klux Klan hood would have had.

He said since the video went viral, he and his family have been receiving threats.READ MORE


When a 16-year-old boy was assaulted for wearing a MAGA cap in a Texas Whataburger, allegedly by a 30-year-old man named Kino Jimenez, this probably should have been a cultural moment where we all checked ourselves. After all, this was a teenager — not even an adult — being physically accosted simply for wearing a piece of political regalia. Surely nobody could rationalize this, right?

First there were unverified reports from local San Antonio media, picked up by other news outlets, that the young man had been engaging in racist talk before the attack. Those wonderful unsubstantiated slices of blaming an underage victim seem to have come from a single witness and were somewhat retracted and heavily qualified by the original source, although other media outlets had no problem repeating what sounds like the same single-source account.

It all began when Van Lathan — currently on the 15 minutes of fame clock for his contentious TMZ interview with Kanye West — said he was perfectly happy with anyonewearing the trademark piece of Trump paraphernalia being physically assaulted.

Clearly a CNN contributor like Hill wouldn’t actually think that was acceptable, right? Well, have you watched CNN lately? If you have, you know that’s not out of their wheelhouse — and Hill, who’s already been hanging as far outside the CNN wheelhouse as one can get without being tossed overboard, thought this was hysterical. – READ MORE

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