WATCH: GOP lawmaker who lost both legs in Afghanistan throws down challenge to Dems over Soleimani’s killing — and leaves them in silence


Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.) — who lost both legs and one finger after stepping on an IED during a mission in Afghanistan for Operation Enduring Freedom — made a powerful statement Tuesday to explain why Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani’s killing was justified.

During a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, Mast demonstrated why Democratic criticism of Soleimani’s killing, which occurred from a U.S. airstrike on Jan. 3, is unfounded — resulting in nearly two minutes of dead silence.

“Some people might call this rhetorical, but I’m not going to ask it as rhetorical: There’s a number of my colleagues still remaining here. I am more than willing to yield to any of my colleagues that want to answer this question: If you walk out this hallway, and you take a right, and another right, and another right, you’re going to come to several beautiful walls that have the names of our fallen service members from the war on terror,” Mast said. “And I would ask, can any of you provide me one name on that wall that doesn’t justify killing Soleimani? I’ve got two minutes and 30 seconds. I’ll be more than happy to sit here and wait. Somebody provide me with a name on that wall that does not justify his killing.” – READ MORE

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