WATCH: At Children’s Hospital, Melania Trump Had a Very Maternal Moment With One Little Girl


On Monday, first lady Melania Trump visited the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center while her husband, President Donald Trump delivered a speech at Sheffer Corp.

According to, her two-hour visit included a presentation on neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS), which often affects babies born dependent on or addicted to opioids or heroin.

“She was really interested in the kids,” Nathan said. “She was pleasant with Megan and I, but she got down at the kids’ level and was really talking to both of them.”

CNN reported that at one point, a little girl approached the first lady with outstretched arms, a common sign that a child wants to be picked up.

So, the first lady, a mother herself, obliged the young girl’s request and held her for a bit.

According to, before she left the hospital, Trump gave every child a Valentine’s Day card with her signature and a drawing of the White House on it. – READ MORE

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After going a few weeks without making any public appearances, the first lady is now back to doing her thing and blowing everyone away with her fashion choices whenever she steps out.

On Monday morning she and Donald Trump departed the White House for a trip to Cincinnati, Ohio where the president will deliver a speech on tax reform, and the outfit she was wearing caught everyone’s eye on the South Lawn of the White House. – READ MORE

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President Trump and the first lady celebrated the Super Bowl at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. To kick off the celebration, Trump and Melania watched the Florida Atlantic University Marching Band and cheerleaders perform patriotic songs in front of the club.

Trump, who is a big fan of the New England Patriots, wore a black suit and red tie. Melania was not so subtle. The first lady made sure to show who she was rooting for by wearing Patriots colors. Melania was wearing the red, white and blue of the Patriots as she watched the performance. READ MORE

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