A survivor of the 2012 Benghazi terror attack said Tuesday that Hillary Clinton is “above the law” and he hopes her private server was hacked to prove she was lying about her culpability.
Kris Paronto said on Fox News that Clinton has gone through multiple investigations and come out “squeaky clean,” and it is time for her to be treated as a normal person subject to consequences.
Paronto, a former Army Ranger and CIA security contractor, was one of the responders to the Benghazi terrorist attack that killed four Americans in 2012. He appeared on America’s Newsroom to discuss a defamation and wrongful death lawsuit against Clinton filed by the parents of two of the victims, Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods.
Patricia Smith and Charles Woods’ suit charges that Clinton’s private email server contributed to the attacks, and they also say Clinton defamed them with her public statements, according to NBC News.
“The system has failed them, the system that was supposed to protect them, supposed to keep people accountable, has not,” Paronto said. “By them taking upon themselves, which is what they should be doing, they’re showing that they’re still strong and they’re pushing back, and I agree with it.” – READ MORE