House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi appeared on CBS Monday morning to respond to members of her own party calling for her to step down from her position.
Among others, Democratic Reps. Kathleen Rice of New York, Seth Moulton of Massachusetts, Filemon Vela of Texas and Tim Ryan of Ohio called for Pelosi to relinquish her leadership role after Democratic candidates lost every special election since President Donald Trump took office.
“I’m here, and we’re hearing all these other people,” Pelosi said. “They had their time on TV. This is such a small item. It isn’t about me. Right now, our fight is about the Affordable Care Act. I’ve always had a challenge in the caucus, right from the start.”
“These people were against me last November,” Pelosi added. “They started this before. The fact is this. I led to take us to a majority, became Speaker of the House. President Obama became president. He was our spokesperson for eight years. We just lost the election. We could write a message, but the fact is, we need our members to write the message.”
When CBS host Gayle King asked why Pelosi is choosing not to step down, she responded, “Let me tell you why I should stay: I’m a master legislator, I’m experienced in knowing institutional memory of the Congress. If Hillary Clinton won I might have gone home.”
Pelosi made a similar statement praising herself at a press conference on Capitol Hill earlier in June.
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