Washington Post Workers Slam Owner Jeff Bezos For ‘Shocking Pay Practices,’ Demand ‘Fair Wages’


Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world. The creator of Amazon.com is worth some $130 billion.

But his workers don’t fare so well. Some Amazon employees have to urinate in bottles to keep on schedule. And things apparently aren’t much better at Bezos’ other big property, The Washington Post.

More than 400 employees of The Post have signed a petition asking Bezos to pay the company’s employees more and to offer better benefits.

“All we are asking for is fairness for each and every employee who contributed to this company’s success: fair wages; fair benefits for retirement, family leave and health care; and a fair amount of job security,” the petition says. “More than 400 of our colleagues have signed this petition, and they’re just asking you to listen,” Global Opinions editor Karen Attiah says in a video posted with the written petition.

“#DearJeffBezos, we workers of The Washington Post have been bargaining for a year and have little to show for it because The Post won’t meet us halfway on much of anything. We love The Post. We know you do too. Our work has earned us more than what The Post is offering,” the Post Guild says in a post on Twitter.

The petition says The Post has “doubled the number of digital subscriptions and increased its online traffic by more than half,” but the company’s employees have not shared in the wealth. – READ MORE

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