An MSNBC guest decided to make some guesses about Trump’s mental state on Friday, and even urged the president to call her for a therapy session.
Nell Daly, a psychotherapist, joined MSNBC to talk about Donald Trump’s “Morning Joe” tweets and alleged that the president may be in need of therapy treatment.
“Also, for me, in terms of looking at his mental health, which I can’t totally commentate on–I’ve obviously never treated him in my office, although he’s free to call me if he needs one, which I think he does–but I will say that under times of stress people decompensate,” she said.
“When men decompensate in particular they have impulse control issues,” she continued. “That’s what’s concerning to me and they lash out, usually with violence or with this type of harassment.”
“P.S. cyber bullying is actually illegal in many states in this country,” she added.
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