UPenn Professor: Women Could Go to Jail for Miscarriages if ‘Roe’ Overturned (VIDEO)


Dorothy Roberts, a University of Pennsylvania professor of law and sociology, said Wednesday that a conservative Supreme Court could overturn Roe v. Wade and ultimately criminalize miscarriages.

Arguing that President Donald Trump’s pick to succeed Justice Anthony Kennedy would usher in a conservative majority, Roberts said that outcome could lead to prosecutors going after women who suffer miscarriages. In an MSNBC clip noted by the Daily Caller, Roberts said “misogynistic laws” would be able to stand because of the anti-abortion rulings a conservative Court could potentially make.

“It’s a very thin line between putting a woman in prison for a stillbirth or a miscarriage that she’s blamed for—for something she did during her pregnancy—and criminalizing abortions,” Roberts claimed. “So we’re already at that point, and I agree with Jennifer that women and others have to protest against this continued criminalization of women, harms to our health, and what I think is misogynistic laws against women.” – READ MORE

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