University bans clapping to ‘avoid triggering anxiety’ — so jazz hands will be used for inclusivity


Students will likely no longer clap during student union events at the University of Manchester in Manchester, England.

According to a Sept. 28 issue of the university’s newspaper, The Mancunion, the students’ union passed a resolution that effectively banned clapping at student union events during the first Senate session.

The students’ union voted to pass the resolution to “avoid triggering anxiety” during events.

According to the writer, Amy Wei, “It was argued that the loud noise of traditional clapping and whooping pose an issue to students with anxiety or sensory issues. [British Sign Language] clapping — or, jazz hands — would be a more inclusive form of expression.”

Sarah Khan, who is a liberation and access officer, authored the motion, and called it “Making Senate More Accessible.”

Khan said that using jazz hands instead of traditional clapping would also optimally be a part of “inclusion training.”- READ MORE



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