Tucker Carlson: We Have A Right To Be Worried About The FBI (VIDEO)


FNC’s Tucker Carlson opines about the lack of trust the public has in the FBI and other federal law enforcement agencies in a statement so significant the president recommends you watch it:

TUCKER CARLSON: It is the deadliest one-man massacre in American history, yet already among the most forgotten. It has been just a month since Stephen Paddock killed 58 people in Las Vegas. For months we have been asking basic questions about what happened, most of which remain unanswered tonight.

What was Paddock’s motive? How could police possibly allow his house to be burgled? Why was Paddock’s computer hard drive missing, and why did it take us so long to learn it was missing? Why did security guard Jesus Campos travel to Mexico just days after the shooting, despite being a key witness? And why do authorities refuse to talk about that? Why have all of his media appearances been tightly managed by his employer MGM?

[contentcards url=”https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2017/11/03/tucker_carlson_we_have_a_right_to_be_worried_about_the_fbi.html” target=”_blank”]
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