Trump’s law enforcement policies are a welcome improvement from Obama’s


As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump praised the virtues and sacrifice of law enforcement officers in his many campaign speeches. To beleaguered cops, the president’s inauguration signaled the welcome end of eight years of unwarranted criticism from the Obama administration.

In the President Trump’s Joint Address to Congress, he cautioned against the path followed by President Obama. The new president said that Americans “must work with, not against – not against – the men and women of law enforcement. We must build bridges of cooperation and trust – not drive the wedge of disunity.”

 President Trump added: “Police and sheriffs are members of our community.  They’re friends and neighbors, they’re mothers and fathers, sons and daughters – and they leave behind loved ones every day who worry about whether or not they’ll come home safe and sound. We must support the incredible men and women of law enforcement.” I couldn’t agree more.

The applause from the assembled legislators would have been drowned out by those in law enforcement circles. Police had long been on their post-Ferguson heels after events involving the questionable use of force were pounced on by a race-focused president and a complicit media.  – READ MORE

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