Trump Takes His ‘Low IQ’ Maxine Waters Slam To Next Level


At one of his characteristically off-script and raucous “Promises Kept” rallies in Montana Thursday, President Trump ratcheted up his leftist mockery and took several bruising shots at various Democrats, including potential 2020 contender Sen. Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren and pro-“harassment” Rep. Maxine Waters, whose “low I.Q.” once again came up. This time, however, Trump got a little more specific with his Waters insult.

Trump led into his comments on Waters by stating that the Democrats want “anarchy,” as highlighted by Waters’ call for more personal harassment of members of his Cabinet, as Sarah Sanders, Kirstjen Nielsen, and Stephen Miller have already experienced.

“Democrats want anarchy. They really do,” he said. “And they don’t know who they are playing with, folks.”

Trump them took aim at “low I.Q.” Waters. “I said it the other day, yes, she is a low IQ individual, Maxine Waters,” he said. “I said it the other day. I mean, honestly she is somewhere in the mid-60s. I believe that.”- READ MORE

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