Trump: ‘I Don’t Think They Can Impeach Somebody That’s Doing A Great Job’


On Thursday, during an interview with Bloomberg News, President Trump made an interesting remark regarding the possibility of impeachment:

I don’t think they can impeach somebody that’s doing a great job. … You look at the economy, you look at jobs, you look at foreign, what’s going on with other countries. You look at trade deals. I’m doing a great job.

So you get elected as a Republican or a Democrat and the opposite party gets put into the House. That would mean, oh, let’s impeach him. Can’t do it. … If you look at the definition of impeachment, that’s a high bar and that would take a long time to fight that if you’re doing a good job. And I’m doing a great job.READ MORE


It is well known that the mere existence of President Donald Trump has driven the left way past the edge of sanity. One of the saddest  but perhaps funniest cases of this due to the absurdity is the plea by former Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration to go beyond impeachment and annul the presidency of Trump. According to Reich that would mean that all of Trump’s legislation, executive actions, and appointments would just disappear as if they had never existed in the first place.

Reich makes his inadvertently comedic annulment plea in the August 25 edition of Eurasia Review“Don’t Impeach Trump, Annul His Presidency.”

The only way I see the end of Trump is if there’s overwhelming evidence he rigged the 2016 election. In which case impeachment isn’t an adequate remedy. His presidency should be annulled.

Annulment, a funny byproduct of Reich’s extreme Trump Derangement Syndrome – READ MORE

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