
Trump listed various statistics for the amount of crime near the border, noting that ICE and the CBC seized 2.8 million pounds “elicit and deadly” narcotics at the border and arrested over 127,000 criminal aliens.

Those “tough ones” arrested, Trump claimed, were “charged or convicted of 48,000 assaults, 12,000 sex crimes and 1800 homicides.”

Democrats’ opposition to building a border wall proves that they “don’t mind crime,” Trump alleged.

“We’re building the wall, step by step, and it is not easy because we have a little opposition called the Democrats. I guess they just don’t mind crime,” Trump said. “They don’t mind crime. It’s pretty sad.” – READ MORE


What’s the best way to make sure a Democratic Party event starts off on the right foot? Apparently, it’s telling a Trump death joke.

In a moment reported by the Sun Sentinel, Florida Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings warmed up the crowd at a “Stronger Together” rally in Sunshine, Florida on Sunday by telling a joke about Donald Trump drowning in the Potomac. But after making headlines for the joke, Hastings’ problematic past has come back to haunt him.

“There is no question that something is tragically wrong with the president of the United States in his mind,” Hastings told the charged up crowd at the event, which the Sentinel reports was attended by four Democratic candidates for governor as well as embattled Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson.

“Do you know the difference between a crisis and a catastrophe?” Hastings asked the crowd, quoting a joke he said was passed on to him by the son of Rabbi Barry Silver, a civil rights attorney and former Florida lawmaker.

“A crisis is if Donald Trump falls into the Potomac River and can’t swim,” said the Democratic congressman. “And a catastrophe is anybody saves his ass.”

The room erupted.- READ MORE

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