President Donald Trump is exasperated with the Democratic Party’s strategy of resistance.
The president is currently working with Congressional Republicans to repeal Obamacare. “It would be so great if the Democrats and Republicans could get together, wrap their arms around it so that everybody is happy with it,” Trump said in an interview that aired Sunday on “Fox & Friends.”
Senate Republicans put forward their Obamacare repeal bill Thursday and now have to convince a handful of Republican senators to support it. No Democrats are expected to back the legislation.
“It is so easy, but we won’t get one Democrat vote, not one. If it was the greatest bill ever proposed in mankind we wouldn’t get a vote and that is a terrible thing,” Trump said in the Fox interview. “Well, their theme is resist. I’ve never heard of anything like this, resist.”
He went on to say that Democrats have become “obstructionists,” and that it’s a “terrible theme for the people of this country.”
The Democrats have officially embraced the “resistance” brand. The Democratic National Committee is holding events around the country in what is being billed as “Resistance Summer.”
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