Trump cites Russia’s denial of meddling: ‘Where is the DNC Server?’


President Trump cited Russia’s denial of meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election in a tweet early Thursday, asking why former FBI Director James Comey did not examine the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) hacked email server.

“Russia continues to say they had nothing to do with Meddling in our Election!” the president said.

“Where is the DNC Server, and why didn’t Shady James Comey and the now disgraced FBI agents take and closely examine it?” he added. “Why isn’t Hillary/Russia being looked at? So many questions, so much corruption!”

The DNC in April sued the Russian government, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks, alleging that they conspired to aid Trump in the 2016 election. The DNC allege that by hacking and publishing the committee’s emails, multiple individuals and groups were part of a larger conspiracy to damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign and help Trump win. –  READ MORE

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