Time Magazine Cover Portrays Trump ‘in Deep’ — And Drowning Behind Oval Office Desk


President Donald Trump is drowning — Time magazine released another anti-Trump cover, showing the president submerged in water behind his desk in the Oval Office, with the headline reading, “In Deep.”

The latest cartoon is part of a series of Trump underwater covers.


In February 2017, the Time’s cover portrayed “chaos” in the WH, with Trump sitting at his Oval Office desk and the headline reading, “Nothing to See Here.”

In April 2018, the Time’s cover portrayed Trump in “stormy” waters, as the news cycle talked about the FBI raiding Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen’s, office and the connection to Stormy Daniels hush money. READ MORE


Liberal cable news outlets evidently had their own fairy tale ending in mind when former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations: impeachment. On Wednesday, CNN and MSNBC reporters, anchors, and paid contributors used the word an absurd 222 times in 18 hours.

MRC analysts examined all CNN and MSNBC coverage between 6:00 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. on August 22, counting every use of the word “impeach,” “impeachment,” or some permutation thereof. Analysts found 114 instances of the term on MSNBC and 108 on CNN, for a total of 222 total uses of the word.

There were no shows on either network in which the term was not uttered at least once. CNN’s Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon and MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell and Rachel Maddow exercised the most restraint, with each host using the term only once in their allotted hour.

A number of hosts brought in Congressional Democrats to lobby them in the direction of impeaching President Trump. On CNN’s New Day, host John Berman pushed liberal Senator Elizabeth Warren: “Is that grounds for impeachment?” – READ MORE

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